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Source High Quality Succimer (304-55-2) from LEAPChem Now!

Nov. 2021/6/21 15:07:38 By LEAP Chem

As an industry leader in chemical sourcing, LEAPChem has strong relationships with vendors, suppliers, and customers worldwide that allow us to access hard to find chemicals at competitive prices. Our warehouses are equipped to handle kosher, organic, hazardous, and non-hazardous materials. We have established partnerships with import and export providers making seamless international shipping possible. At LEAPChem, we place emphasis on the importance of each step of the distribution process. From sourcing, to supply chain logistics, to customer service, and the technical know-how in between, LEAPChem is a trusted industry leader. We will be the strongest link in your supply chain and help you to get the products you need accurately, on time, and on budget. By coming to the LEAPChem - Pharmaceutical Chemicals website, you have come one step closer to acquiring your trouble free pharmaceutical chemicals. LEAPChem is happy to highlight Succimer.


Basic Information of Succimer

Chemical Name: Succimer

Cas No.: 304-55-2

Molecular Formula: C4H6O4S2

Chemical Structure:



Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), also called succimer, is a medication used to treat lead, mercury, and arsenic poisoning. When radiolabeled with technetium-99m, it is used in a number of types of diagnostic testing. It is taken by mouth for 19 days. More than two weeks should pass before a second course is given.

Common side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, rash, and low blood neutrophil levels. Liver problems and allergic reactions may also occur with use. It is unclear if use during pregnancy is safe for the baby. Dimercaptosuccinic acid is in the chelating agent family of medications. It works by binding with lead and a number of other heavy metals allowing them to leave the body in the urine.

Dimercaptosuccinic acid is indicated for the treatment of lead poisoning in children with blood level measured above 45 μg/dL. The use of DMSA is not approved for prevention of lead poisoning in anticipation of exposure in known lead contaminated environments. Its elimination half-life is 2.5–3.5 hours. DMSA can cross the blood–brain barrier of mice, but not that of humans, limiting its use to extracting heavy metals from parts of the body other than the central nervous system.

DMSA facilitates urinary excretion of lead, and with sufficiently aggressive treatment, can reduce lead content in the brain. DMSA also increases urinary excretion of copper and zinc. DMSA improved cognitive function in rats that had been exposed to lead, but reduced cognitive function in rats that had not been exposed to lead.

The relative activities of a series of novel monoalkyl esters of meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (MiADMSA) have been examined as agents for the mobilization of cadmium, lead and arsenic owing to the ability of these monoesters to cross cell membranes. The monoesters were found to be more effective than the parent compound DMSA. The complexes (monoesters of DMSA) seem to penetrate cells (not possible in the case of DMSA), which helps in targeting intracellular sites in the body and aids in the removal of toxic metal ions in the cytosol and organelles inside the cell.


As an industry leader in chemical sourcing, LEAPChem has strong relationships with vendors, suppliers, and customers worldwide that allow us to access hard to find chemicals at competitive prices. Our warehouses are equipped to handle kosher, organic, hazardous, and non-hazardous materials. We have established partnerships with import and export providers making seamless international shipping possible.

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