Quality Policy
Nothing is more important than the quality of our products. And we want to ensure that you receive our chemical product to exact specifications.
LEAPChem will provide products that meet or exceed the quality requirements of our customers while complying with the requirements of the ISO Standards while looking for opportunities to improve. In doing this we provide excellent service to each customer and exercise tremendous internal quality control measures.
A Focus on Quality & Transparency
With more than 10 years of expertise, LEAPChem helps you select the right chemicals to get the most from today's sophisticated instruments and technology to get results that you can trust.
l LEAPChem's products are backed by our proven global quality systems and reliable global supply chain.
l We share product information openly, and we make sure that our products meet industry standards.
l SDS and Certificates of Analysis are available electronically.
l Ensures product quality and packaging meet your requirements
l Reduction in shipments of non-conforming products
l Elimination of claims, troubleshooting
l Handling of returns
l Improved access to documents
l Accurate invoicing
l Accurate on-time delivery